Self Storage Kiosks vs Mobile Technology

5 Myths
that may sabotage
your customer Service

Watch now to learn the truth behind misconceptions regarding smartphones and customer service at self storage facilities.  

Self Storage Kiosks vs Mobile Technology

5 Myths That May Sabotage Your Customer Service

Watch now to learn the truth behind misconceptions regarding smartphones and customer service at self storage facilities.  

Jon Loftin Square 2021 01

Speaker: Jon Loftin

Jon Loftin is the Chief Product Officer at OpenTech Alliance. With over 30 years in self storage technology, Jon has worked with countless operators to learn what tools can help drive their business. Jon previously worked on PTI, DigiGate and Chamberlain access products.

Kristi Adams, Chief Marketing Officer

Speaker: Kristi Adams

Kristi Adams, Chief Marketing Officer at OpenTech Alliance, has been in the storage industry since 2004, both in the US and internationally. She has led marketing efforts at OpenTech since 2019, focusing on brand identity and innovative strategies to drive consumer demand.

Jon Loftin Square 2021 72ppi 01

Speaker: Jon Loftin

Jon Loftin is the Chief Product Officer at OpenTech Alliance. With over 30 years in self storage technology, Jon has worked with countless operators to learn what tools can help drive their business. Jon previously worked on PTI, DigiGate and Chamberlain access products.

Kristi Adams, Chief Marketing Officer

Speaker: Kristi Adams

Kristi Adams, Chief Marketing Officer at OpenTech Alliance, has been in the storage industry since 2004, both in the US and internationally. She has led marketing efforts at OpenTech since 2019, focusing on brand identity and innovative strategies to drive consumer demand.

What You'll Learn in this Free Web Session:

As the world advanced technologically, self storage facilities also adopted new ways to provide convenience and accessibility to their tenants. Customers were able to complete new rentals and make monthly payments autonomously — whether they chose to do so in person at the facility or online. But that didn’t mean all technology was created equal — or provided the same benefits to businesses.

At the time, 6 in 10 people still visited a self storage facility in person to rent a new unit. Operators had two primary tools to serve those tenants without manager intervention: self storage kiosks or mobile technology. Though smartphones were convenient, they had some drawbacks. Plus, not all tenants had one in their pocket.

Could a mobile device compare to a self-service kiosk? OpenTech Chief Product Officer Jon Loftin and Chief Marketing Officer Kristi Adams broke down the myths around mobile technology, and how it compared to a full-service rental machine.

They covered:

  • 5 Common Misconceptions About Mobile Technology in Self Storage
  • Major Rentals and Revenue You Might Have Been Missing
  • Key Customer Experience Considerations to Drive Conversions
  • Strategies to Leverage Storage Kiosks to Enhance Your Operating Model

When a current or prospective tenant visited your facility, what type of experience did they have? This webinar explored the truth behind the top misconceptions many operators believed regarding smartphones and customer service at self storage facilities.

Check Out Our Other Self Storage Webinars:

Tenant Trends

Download this free white paper and learn:
  1. Onsite behaviors, popular access times, traffic patterns and delinquent spikes
  2. Rental timing both on and offsite
  3. Payment preferences and more